
package sshd

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class SshServerConfig(address: String, port: Int, ammoniteHome: Path = Defaults.ammoniteHome, hostKeyFile: Option[Path] = None, passwordAuthenticator: Option[PasswordAuthenticator] = None, publicKeyAuthenticator: Option[PublickeyAuthenticator] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Ssh server parameters

    Ssh server parameters


    a port to be used by ssh server. Set it as 0 to let server choose some random port.


    path that ammonite repl sessions will be using as their home directory


    path to the place where to store server's identity key

  2. class SshdRepl extends AnyRef

    An ssh server which serves ammonite repl as it's shell channel.

    An ssh server which serves ammonite repl as it's shell channel. To start listening for incoming connections call start() method. You can stop() the server at any moment. It will also close all running sessions

Value Members

  1. object ShellSession
  2. object SshServer

    A factory to simplify creation of ssh server

  3. object SshdRepl
